4 de febrero de 2012


Septiembre - Diciembre 2012


Glen en inaguración
Presentacion en planta baja de OMA Galeria

Horalia Rice, encargadada de inaugurar OMA GALERIA
La artista con Claudia Gallardo, Pablo A.Martinez y


Glen Rogers
Artist Statement

The source of all things, the beginning of life, the primal mark.  In my work, I borrow from a universal visual language and refer to the ancient world.  I return again and again to symbols such as the spiral, the circle, and the crescent as inspiration. Bold marks, subtle layers, and textural surfaces are paired as a way to reach back in time, connecting with archetypal symbols from early cultures.  Markings found on pottery shards, figurines, and cave walls in sites throughout the world are my inspiration.  I am drawn to these nature-based symbols because of their underlying meaning of renewal and regeneration, birth and the cycle of life.  Whether paintings or prints, I choose to work with earth tones, such as ochres, siennas and umbers, the colors of antiquity,
I have traveled to many sacred sites for my inspiration; Newgrange in Ireland, Knossos in Crete, Peche Merle caves in the south of France.  And La Labrada, a beach north of Mazatlán, Mexico where large volcanic boulders touching the waters edge are carved with an incredible array of symbols. These ancient inscriptions, artifacts from the Neolithic era, inspire me with their earthiness and connection to the beginning of things. Gaia, motherearth, is at the heart of all of these symbols reflecting the spirit of nature that binds us all. As I work the surface of the paper or canvas, and delve into this ancient iconography, I feel an affinity with those who have come before me.

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